CEMIX CONCRETE RESURFACER is a high performance
concrete resurfacing mortar, designed to refresh and repair
aged concrete
CEMIX CONCRETE RESURFACER can be used over the surface of existing concrete to produce a new wear layer as well as to fill in small defects, such as spalls and gouges. Suitable for use in interior and exterior applications in a domestic and commercial environment, including driveways, paths, patios, courtyards, garages and most vertical concrete surfaces.
• High bond
• Flexible
• Durable
Varies according to the substrate condition.
Approximately 0.9m2 per kg of product at a bed thickness of
0.8mm or 0.24m2 at a bed thickness of 3mm.
Complies with NZS 4210:2001
1. Add clean water to a mixing container. Use exactly 270ml of water per kg of product.
2. Add CEMIX CONCRETE RESURFACER slowly to the water, mixing constantly with a mixing paddle, until a smooth consistency is achieved.
Note: Do not aerate the mixture by stirring over vigorously or for too long
1. Pour the mix onto the concrete area.
2. Spread the mix using a flat trowel, squeegee or broom onto the surface. Maintain a wet edge and apply enough pressure to ensure good contact between the resurfacer and the concrete.
3. Immediately apply a light broom finish for a slip-resistant surface, working in small areas to avoid foot trafficking.
4. Smooth or brush the material to the desired finish. Normal application is at a bed thickness between 0.8mm to 30mm.
Note: CEMIX CONCRETE RESURFACER has a working time of 15 minutes.
For vertical concrete surfaces, trowel or brush the mix directly onto the concrete area.
For minor patching, application is up to 25mm in diameter and 12mm deep. Mix 4 parts powder to 1 part water and apply to the concrete surface with a steel flat trowel or putty
Allow for a minimum of 30 to 40 minutes at 23°C before applying the finish coat.
Note: Honour any expansion or control joints.
Drying and curing time depends on the substrate, substrate condition, climate, the type of application and the materials being applied. Allow 2 to 4 hours before foot trafficking and 16 to 24 hours before driving over.
Supplier Item#
20 KG - 21085
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